Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Seconds to Mars - "Closer to the Edge"

30STM just released their new musicvideo "Closer to the Edge". I really like it - and when watching the clips of the concerts I'm sort of brought back to the feeling I had when I went to the concert at KB-Hallen last year. It was amazing. I went with my brother and we got to be right in front of the stage. :)
Jared jumped down and we (and a few other people from the audience) had to grab his feet and legs in order for him to stand up and sing to the crowd.
What do you think of the video and the song?


  1. I love this album!
    So jealous you got to see them.

  2. I looove it, too! It's fantastic! Thanks for the comment! ;)


Thanks for your comment! I will get back to you as soon as possible!