Monday, April 9, 2012

I'm baaack!

Hey guys, så er jeg tilbage.. Efter at jeg blev færdig med min STX er der sket ting og sager.. Jeg har været ude at rejse mange gange, slappet meget af og prøvet det ikke at skulle have at gøre med lektier og den slags.. Så har jeg mødt Britney Spears, Rihanna og maaaaange, mange flere celebs.. Det har været rigtig sjovt, men jeg er slet ikke færdig endnu.. Jeg har også fået et arbejde i 7-Eleven som jeg faktisk rigtig godt kan lide, så det er jo dejligt. Og så er jeg kommet med i Mig og min mor pga. den her video. Jeg blev nemlig kontaktet af tv-programmet som var heeelt vilde med mig og min mor og så kom vi med, kort sagt. Så vi har altså ikke selv meldt os til. Jeg har oplevet SÅ meget imens jeg har filmet det her program. Det har været rigtig sjovt. (: Nå.. men det her var bare lige en update. Håber I vil følge min blog.. <3 

Xoxo, Jessica Priscilla.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Elite Model Look 2011

I won a VIPPASS to Fisketorvet (a mall in Copenhagen) and I was able to bring another person with me. Suddenly, my mother told me that she had also won one and was able to bring a friend, too. We decided to bring my cousin and my aunt and we had a really fun night. :)

First of all we got Vila-Goodiebags with a new alcoholic beverage and some sports-equipment to bring with you to the beach. Then we came into a lounge where we had other alcoholic beverages and we could drink and eat as much as we wanted to. I ended up drinking so much that I even got a little bit drunk. ;) Not in a bad way, though. There was many celebrities there like Gun-Britt, Saseline Sørensen, Zhirley (correct spelling?) and etc., etc.. We also had some lovely food by Kirk+Maabjerg. 

Later on, the Elite-model-contest began and Zhirley was performing and we received more gifts/a goodiebag.

It was so much fun!  (More pictures to come!)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Britney Spears-perfume

Does anyone know when it will be in stores?

Graduation 2011 // "I Wanna Go"

So many things have happened the past few days, but one of the best things is that I've now graduated from high school. I get to experience life in another way, soon. Which is good and bad. ;)

Also, I recently started working for the first time ever. Earlier I completely focused on schoolwork which meant that I wasn't going to get a job, but now I have one. (: The job's fine, it's got a few challenges but I kinda like it. I get to experience having a job + I get money. Btw, I work at a theme park.

ALSO!! Britney Spears' new video for "I Wanna Go" is out! Watch it here!

- Peace out! :D

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pictures that..

.. describe me.
I LOVE the US!
I am really into Nicki Minaj's style and make-up (and I'm also a fan of her).
I am a HUGE Britney Spears-fan (if you haven't noticed ;) ) and I am really sensitive, just like I think Britney is.
I got a huge Britney Spears-collection (even bigger than this one).
These are items that you could find in my room (I even do have many of these from the picture). 
I like glitter and I love to spread glitter all over the place by making people around me happy.

Pictures are from and there are more to come!