Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Elite Model Look 2011

I won a VIPPASS to Fisketorvet (a mall in Copenhagen) and I was able to bring another person with me. Suddenly, my mother told me that she had also won one and was able to bring a friend, too. We decided to bring my cousin and my aunt and we had a really fun night. :)

First of all we got Vila-Goodiebags with a new alcoholic beverage and some sports-equipment to bring with you to the beach. Then we came into a lounge where we had other alcoholic beverages and we could drink and eat as much as we wanted to. I ended up drinking so much that I even got a little bit drunk. ;) Not in a bad way, though. There was many celebrities there like Gun-Britt, Saseline Sørensen, Zhirley (correct spelling?) and etc., etc.. We also had some lovely food by Kirk+Maabjerg. 

Later on, the Elite-model-contest began and Zhirley was performing and we received more gifts/a goodiebag.

It was so much fun!  (More pictures to come!)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Britney Spears-perfume

Does anyone know when it will be in stores?

Graduation 2011 // "I Wanna Go"

So many things have happened the past few days, but one of the best things is that I've now graduated from high school. I get to experience life in another way, soon. Which is good and bad. ;)

Also, I recently started working for the first time ever. Earlier I completely focused on schoolwork which meant that I wasn't going to get a job, but now I have one. (: The job's fine, it's got a few challenges but I kinda like it. I get to experience having a job + I get money. Btw, I work at a theme park.

ALSO!! Britney Spears' new video for "I Wanna Go" is out! Watch it here!

- Peace out! :D

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pictures that..

.. describe me.
I LOVE the US!
I am really into Nicki Minaj's style and make-up (and I'm also a fan of her).
I am a HUGE Britney Spears-fan (if you haven't noticed ;) ) and I am really sensitive, just like I think Britney is.
I got a huge Britney Spears-collection (even bigger than this one).
These are items that you could find in my room (I even do have many of these from the picture). 
I like glitter and I love to spread glitter all over the place by making people around me happy.

Pictures are from and there are more to come!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Britney Spears is coming to Denmark October 10th on her FEMME FATALE Tour! You can buy tickets here 7th of June 10:00 am. I am SO excited! Also, join my page at Facebook if you're going to the concert!

- Are you going?

Sunday, May 29, 2011


So I'm about to end high school and I'm excited, although I just don't want to go through these damn exams.. I got 4 left (and there's 11 all in all) so it's not THAT bad.. but still. I can't wait to be free of all the tension it brings me because of the nerves you get because you don't know what your grade is going to be..

In my sophomore year/1.g (1.g is what we call it in Denmark) I had a math-exam. Then in my junior year/2.g, I had a physical geography-exam. Here in my senior year/3.g, I recently went through written English, Danish and German. I am pretty sure that English and Danish went excellent. When it comes to the German I think it was alright, and I hope that I'll pass or get a D, at least. I also went to my AT-exam (AT=Almen Studieforberedelse/general study preparation) and got a C (which I am VERY happy with). :D I heard this and this song all day long!
Waiting for me are my other oral exams; German, history, religion and biology. I really hoped for English and media, but I have now learned to live with what I've been given and make the best of it. :) Oh! And I also got an A in a really important exam-assignment! - Always look on the bright side of life!

- Do you have any exams?

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Yes, it's a new font - I was getting tired of the other one. ;)

Well.. recently I've heard a lot of Nicki Minaj-songs, and I just can't get enough. She's also referring to herself as "Barbie" which matches her style. I like that she's different but with obvious inspiration from Lil' Kim and Lady Gaga. Her singing/rapping is something I've never heard before and I'M A FAN. This one, featuring Eminem, is on repeat, currently. This one's also very good (but the best part is when Nicki actually starts to rap, I think) - and it's featuring Lil' Wayne.

Nicki, Lil' Wayne and Drake.
- What do you think of Nicki or just the Young Money-gang, in general?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Things I want at the moment

Today I received my package all the way from Kentucky in the US! (The "Femme Fatale Premium Fan Edition"). As promised, I'll make a post about it, soon.

But here are some of the things I want at the moment. Maybe it'll inspire you:
- Mac Cosmetics' "Shy girl" lipstick. 
Kim Kardashian always puts it on and it looks just AMAZING.
Pic from
Pic from

- Tons of Vitamin Well.
I love how they make me feel healthy.. ;)
- Mac Cosmetics' "Pink Friday" lipstick.
This one's also made in cooperation with Nicki Minaj, and I LOVE the color! I gotta get it!

Pic from

- A trip to LA!
I could SOOOO use a week over there! I just wanna graduate and get the hell away and escape to LA and have a good time. 


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

As promised..

As promised I found some footage of when Britney attended GMA (Good Morning America) in March in San Francisco. I wasn't able to put the video directly in here, but here's the link: It was the best video that I could find, and I'll let you know if I find more. ;)

Other than that, I'm currently waiting for my "Femme Fatale Premium Fan Edition" package. It's currently in Kentucky in the US, but I hope that I will get it soon. I will make a post about it when it arrives, which I hope it will in the next few days. If you're interested in purchasing one yourself, go to and buy one.

And on a side note: thank you, the few of you who have been making comments. I would love for you to sign up to follow my blog, thanks.

Have a nice day - I will return to my homework and maybe go get some food.

Oh! I forgot to let you know about Britney's little sneaky post.. earlier on "Sicker than the remix" (from the lyrics of "Till the World Ends") meant something. We just couldn't get to know what. But right now you can go to this site and hear for yourselves.. It's a "Till the World Ends Femme Fatale Remix" feat. Nicki Minaj and Kesha. Enjoy!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vitamin Well

Today I bought my first Vitamin Well. I chose the one called "Vitamin Well Focus" with vitamin B+C,L-theanin and caffeine. It's supposed to keep my stress-level down and also make sure that I'm awake, so to speak. I bought it in 7-Eleven and it costs about 23 kr. (with deposit included!). It tastes fine, knowing that it's filled with vitamins, but if it was a regular drink I'd say it tasted like cordial with some elderflower.. But I do recommend it. :) At least the one I bought.

FYI: it's a drink from Sweden (although they got drinks like these in the US as well).

Femme Fatale!

Britney Spears just released her new album "Femme Fatale". In Denmark you can buy it at almost any store with CD's, otherwise you can buy it from iTunes or ( sells a Premium Fan Edition - go to the website for more). I bought one myself and I look forward to it + when you buy it you get it around April 22nd, but today you'll receive the whole digital album. That's NICE!
Also, today Britney's a guest on the American tv-show GMA (Good Morning America) and she's also performing. It all goes down i San Francisco, California!

I love the album, don't forget to buy it! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Seconds to Mars - "Closer to the Edge"

30STM just released their new musicvideo "Closer to the Edge". I really like it - and when watching the clips of the concerts I'm sort of brought back to the feeling I had when I went to the concert at KB-Hallen last year. It was amazing. I went with my brother and we got to be right in front of the stage. :)
Jared jumped down and we (and a few other people from the audience) had to grab his feet and legs in order for him to stand up and sing to the crowd.
What do you think of the video and the song?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011



Britney Spears announces GMA-concert!

I know that I'm posting a lot about Britney Spears right now, but since I'm a huge fan and since that she's got a lot going on at the moment, I can't help it. ;) 
But she's going to perform in San Francisco, CA on the tv-show "GMA"/"Good Morning America", I'd wish I could be there, but this wasn't in progress when I went to SF in Sep. 2010.. 
Well, it's going to be LIVE, but I don't have an exact time for went it will air. And as it is right now, I don't know where to see the show - currently my plan is to just watch it on YouTube right after it has been on TV. These shows have a tendency to be posted right after they've aired. I will do my best to let you know. (;


Monday, February 28, 2011

Lady Gaga - "Born This Way"

Lady Gagas nye musikvideo til "Born This Way".

Den er da fin nok.. tænker jeg. Lidt ligesom jeg havde forventet. Det er meget fint med skelet-makeuppen og alt det. Og sangen er også fin. =)

Britney's sneak peeks!

Britney's about to release her new album "Femme Fatale" and then she's decided to let out some sneak peeks of some of the songs. 

Here's "The Big Fat Bass" feat.
I think of it as something VERY different, but not bad. I think that by hearing the rest of the song it will get better. I just think that it's somehow odd for Britney to record something like this.. but again, she's grown.
This is "How I Roll"
I like it - but it's not something that makes me go "Wow!", but still, I always can't wait to hear what Britney has to offer. :) I look forward to it. And I think I kind of like it.
Then there's "Inside Out"
I LOVE IT! Can't wait to hear the reeeest! 
At last, but not least "I Wanna Go"
This one's amazing. I can imagine myself driving on the highway hearing this LOUD.

What do you think of the sneak peeks? :)

- and thank you, new follower (Louise). ;)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I currently got to know that I've got visitors from other places than Denmark - especially from the US. Therefore I find it useful to use my English once again since it isn't giving me any problems. ;) 

So.. rap. And rappers.. Personally, I listen to almost all music genres, but people have a tendency to think that it's kinda odd that I like rap. So.. what makes it so special? Many rappers rap about "bitches", money and stuff like that. Many rap about women in a sort of discriminating way.. even though some of 'em also rap about more serious stuff in life. Like Eminem, for instance. 

I think that I mostly like the background music - and mostly I also like the lyrics.

I listen to Eminem, Lil' Wayne, Kanye West, Snoop Dogg and some not-so-famous rappers as well, like E-clipse. They're all different in their own ways. So, well.. it's Americans that I'm listening to.

What do you think of rap and who do you listen to?
Pics are from +

Friday, February 18, 2011

HIAM by Britney

Britney kom omkr. kl. 04:00 i nat (dansk tid) frem med sin nye video til hendes seneste single "Hold it Against Me". Jeg synes det er en fantastisk video og jeg er især vild med hendes outfit som man kan se ovenover. :) 

Her kan du se hendes video og her kan du forudbestille hendes kommende album "Femme Fatale". Jeg glæder mig helt vildt meget til det! 

- Hvad synes I om videoen (og sangen)?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kusinehygge, flødeboller og skulls, m.m.!

Her i vinterferien har jeg haft min kusine på besøg i nogle dage, hvilket var rigtig hyggeligt. Min mor klippede hendes hår og farvede det - og så sparede hun jo de 600 kr. :) 

Nå.. men jeg har ellers fået et par neglelakke fra H&M "Miss Stone Heart" og GOSH "571 WILD LILAC", en skull-halskæde fra Just Female, et par stiletter fra defeeter, en roll-on fra Palmolive samt skintonic fra L'OREAL. Flødebollerne er oprindeligt fra Frederiksberg Chokolade, men er købt i Asnæs Centret. (Beklager billedkvaliteten - har brugt min iPhone..) Ringen er en sølvring og er købt hos Carat i Fields (men jeg fik den i fødselsdagsgave af min kære veninde, Anna).  

God ferie, folkens!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl XLV - Packers vs. Steelers!

Så er det i dag at der er Super Bowl. Jeg sidder her med min bror og ser det. Sommetider har jeg også set andre kampe med ham, men i dag er særlig speciel fordi det jo er Super Bowl. (Den sendes på TV3, bl. andre kanaler - NU!)

Vi holder med STEELERS. (Men det er dog ikke vores yndlingshold sådan rigtigt - men hvis vi skal vælge mellem Packers og Steelers, er det helt sikkert Steelers!) Packers er nogle cheeseheads der skal sparkes tilbage til Wisconsin - "America's Dairyland". Packers er nemlig Bears' rivaler og derfor skal Packers bare nedlægges.

Udover det er mine yndlingshold Carolina Panthers, Chicago Bears og NY Jets - måske også en smule SF 49'ers, da jeg har været henne at se dem i San Francisco. Og, well.. de var da meget interessante. ;) Hehe.

God kamp og så må vi håbe at Steelers VINDER!!